Don't miss out as we host an exhibition featuring the Greatest of All Time JO Waldner Vs Par Gerell on Thursday 15th August.

Club (OTTC) Code of Conduct

1) Our Vision: To promote the sport of Table Tennis in the local community at all levels of play.

2) Non Discrimination: Members of OTTC shall not discriminate against any country or person on any grounds whatsoever including race, colour, gender, religion or politics.

3) Principles of Conduct

• All members shall treat players, coaches, officials and others involved with the Club or the sport with due respect.

• All members should enjoy equal use of the facilities and programmes.

• All members, players, coaches, officials, and spectators should refrain from any action that causes offence or shows disrespect to any opponents, member or visitor to OTTC, or causes any damage to the premises or equipment. Typical examples are spitting, swearing, throwing or kicking equipment, dropping litter or defacing walls or doors.

• OTTC Club members should refrain from making statements which (a) appear on Facebook, Twitter or other social media or other sites, (b) making statements to others which could be published on these sites or in any other publication regarding OTTC or other Club members which could damage OTTC reputation in any way.

• Senior players should serve as an example to younger players and should do their best to help them to develop in the proud traditions of the Club.

• Please respect OTTC Facility with all players expected to clear up the playing hall after a session, including moving equipment when necessary and putting water bottles, broken balls, etc. into the bin provided. The coach in charge should not be left to clear up after a coaching session. 

4) Breach of the code of Conduct – Any allegation of a breach of this Code of Conduct shall be reported to the coach or member in charge of a session, who will have the authority to suspend a person from the session. The coach or person in charge will enter the offence in a record book and refer the incident to the Management Committee for further consideration.

5) Return In return for the opportunity to use Ormeau Table Tennis’s facilities and participate in the Club’s sessions and the resulting benefits provided by the voluntary programmes, all members should do their utmost to support Ormeau Table Tennis and assist wherever possible in the areas of coaching, administration and promotion by way of putting something back into Oremau Table Tennis.

6) Agreement All members are required to read this Code of Conduct for Ormeau Table Tennis.

7) Enjoy This Code of Conduct and the conditions of membership are intended to safeguard all those participating in Ormeau Table Tennis programmes and to ensure that OrmeauTT continues to enjoy its excellent reputation within the community and the sport. Notwithstanding any of these conditions, we hope that members will always enjoy their time at OrmeauTT and will benefit from being involved in OrmeauTT’s activities.

Waiting For You

113 The Mount Belfast

Ormeau Table Tennis Club © 2024. All rights reserved.