Don't miss out as we host an exhibition featuring the Greatest of All Time JO Waldner Vs Par Gerell on Thursday 15th August.

*Important Notice* Club Closure – COVID-19

Important Notice Club Closure – COVID-19

With immediate effect, the Ormeau Table Tennis Club have decided to close our daily sessions until further notice. We have been monitoring the situation for the past few days and going on the advice of Table Tennis Ireland / Ulster we have decided to close the club until further notice.

We hope this will be short-term and will give more updates as we see fit. Hopefully, you can all appreciate this decision is not easy and we want to resume as soon as possible but we need to take precautions where possible.

Many Thanks,

Ormeau Tennis Club

Waiting For You

113 The Mount Belfast

Ormeau Table Tennis Club © 2024. All rights reserved.