It’s been a long wait but we have now been given the ok to return to play and we will officially open the club again the week commencing 20th July with a slightly revised and minimised timetable. Before we explain what will happen over the coming weeks we would like to whole heartily thank you all for maintaining your membership which has helped the club massively and kept it going! Unfortunately we were not eligible for any government funding nor did we get any help on our monthly bills including rent for hall – so again thank you for supporting us!
We have been busy over the past months working on freshening up the hall with it now painted and cleaned out creating a fresh feel on your return. We would like to thank Trevor who carried out most of the work, great job!

Times / Timetable
We feel that we can safely have groups of 8 playing together with good space between tables which will be separated by barriers. This means our current time table will not work and so our goal will be to get all members back playing at least 1 hour each week in July and then try to increase this in August/September. Gervis will be in contact with everyone individually with your times to train. Unable to play or still shielding? It would be great if you could let us know via email so we can plan sessions around your needs.
Open Play
At the moment Open Play will be paused but we hope as time goes on these will resume.
Social Table Tennis
Social Table Tennis will also return and again we will be in contact to organise these sessions.
Return To Play COVID Procedures
We have spent a lot of time cleaning and preparing the club for a return to play and have everything in place to keep our members and coaches safe. Please take 10/15 mins to read over our club protocol guidelines that we will implement from next week. Please note this is Version 2 and it may be updated as restrictions/government advice change.

Up to Date Contact Details
Every session will have an attendance record taken and it is of the utmost importance that we have you up to date contact details.
Would you mind clicking button below and updating us with your details for our records?
This is important